
of steel

ASSMONT Australia Pty Ltd is an international structural steel construction group with headquarters in Austria. International brand names and big players from every industry rely on our highly-regarded assurance of safety and security. Our comprehensive expertise is based on experience in complex projects all over the world.
Our local staff has successfully worked on major projects in NSW, where steel rack systems were assembled and erected in various warehouses. Many of our employees have experience in high altitude installation work. Thanks to our specialists in the engineering and manufacturing fields and our assembly experts, you are guaranteed the best quality along with cost-effective implementation of your construction project.

Safety and security

We give top priority to project security and occupational safety when planning and implementing your construction projects.


The cost-effective solution for your planned construction project. Consulting, planning, manufacturing and assembly - everything from a single source.


We don’t just talk about fairness for our employees, customers and suppliers. We practice it at all times.


Our global branches allow us to respond flexibly at an international level and shorten planning stages.


With our excellently trained in-house staff, we make sure the assembly meets the highest safety standards. We regularly train our employees in occupational and industrial safety topics.
International brand names and big players from every industry rely on ASSMONT’s highly-regarded safety and security assurance and solid, dependable expertise.


ASSMONT stands for innovation – hand-in-hand with safety!

Austrian quality, produced in Europe, backed by a worldwide reputation.
Branches in Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic,

Russia, Australia, Canada and the USA.

Your expert partner for steel.

Our Values


We are committed to taking responsibility for our employees, customers and suppliers.


We talk with people rather than about them.


We practice fairness at all times with our employees, customers and suppliers.


We plan and implement complex projects with exceptional diligence and accuracy.

Long-term orientation

We view the big picture in its entirety, keeping the focus on it in both the present and the future.
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Your Project

is our Focus.

We view each concept in its entirety, from the first technical sketch through to the final assembly unit. This applies to complete solutions as well as subdivisions of our core competencies.


ASSMONT Australia Pty Ltd.
Lev.7/ 91 Phillip Street   |   Parramatta NSW 2150   |   Australia
Johanna Flood   |   Mob. 0420 650 258
Julia Parmentier   |   Mob. 0420 650 241


  • ASSMONT Holding GmbH



  • ASSMONT Steel Hungaria Kft.

  • ASSMONT Australia Pty Ltd.

  • ASSMONT Canada Ltd.

  • ASSMONT Steel USA Corporation